15 Best Dog Products All Dog Owners Must Have
by dogtoysadvisor
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Here’s the truth, we spoil our dogs. There’s no other way around it. Our home is filled with the best dog accessories for them.
But we will say, some of the best dog products they own (well, we own them but it’s for the dogs, really) are actually quite practical and even good for their health.
And now we’ll share our list of must-haves for happy, healthy puppies and even happier owners.
1. Paw Wipes
These are life savers, one of the best dog products for us!
For whenever you need a quick clean for some really nasty, dirty, stinky situations when a bath just isn’t an option (why do dogs like to roll around in the worst possible stuff???).
But they also help remove allergens and dangerous substances they might step on.
We always clean our dogs’ paws after walks because we’ve had a bad experience with Dobby when he licked his paws after a walk and got poisoned
Aren’t a fan of your pooch’s smell and don’t have time for a bath? (Let’s face it, they stink even more AFTER the bath). Then pet fragrance is the solution for you.
It’s very safe for them and all you need to do is spray him and brush him and all stink will be gone. Even after the fragrance wears off, the pungent dog smell takes much longer to return.
3. Dental Chews
While it doesn’t replace proper dental hygiene if your dog already has dental issues, dental chews are a great way to help prevent and control your dog’s breath and plaque.
The chewing itself keeps his breath fresh and prevents plaque buildup on his teeth.
Healthy teeth and gums by munching on some very tasty dog chew treats, sounds like a great deal for us!
Read also: 8 best dog chews
4. Pee Pads
For those long hours when you’re away from home or if you’re still housetraining your dog, these pads are extremely useful.
They can be particularly helpful when you’re transporting a dog in a carrier or if you have a senior dog that can’t control his bladder as well as he used to.
Either way, it’s a great way to keep them and your home comfortable and clean.
We can remember a time when dog urine stains and smells were hard to clean and only regular cleaning products were available.
Today, that’s not really a problem anymore, you can find all sorts of options with enzyme-based cleaners that are kind of magical (well, they aren’t magical, but that’s how it feels to us).
Read also: how to remove urine smell from everything
Accidents can happen at any time. Even a sleepy dog can fall of the sofa or get his nail stuck somewhere and get hurt. If you have a more adventurous dog (like ours), you probably have some scary situations you can think of.
A First Aid Kit can be a big help to treat minor injuries or help contain a more serious situation until you can get your dog to the vet.
7. Pet Bed
Pet Beds are a must for pampered pooches, one of the best dog accessories you can have for your dog.
And, luckily, these days you have so many options available you’ll no longer need to get one of those ugly ones you usually had to hide when having company over.
There are great options, in all sizes, shapes and colors, with a great design to fit your home décor.
We’ve gone handmade for our custom made pet beds and love the uniqueness and quality of them!
8. Dog Diapers
Super absorbent, disposable dog diapers are handy for all sorts of reasons.
For senior dogs, if you’re still housetraining your puppy or if you’re going on a long travel with him. Even properly housetrained dogs can sometimes experience excitable urination, not to mention, if you have a female dog in heat.
Regardless of the motive, they’re handy, affordable and comfortable.
Read also: how to housetrain your puppy
9. Tasty Treats
You can never have enough treats for your dog because, let’s face it, they deserve it!
For training, rewarding or just because he looks so darn cute, every moment is a good moment to give your dog some very tasty treats.
And, if you’re worried about calories or dental health, the good news is there are all sorts of options available. No grain, low calorie, without by-products, vegetarian, pick your best healthy option and enjoy your dog’s happiness as you spoil him.
We’ve had a few problems with our dogs’ paws overtime. If you have a dog that never gets tired of running, odds are you did too. It can go from dried, cracked pads to most serious issues like burns, abrasions and even some nasty blisters.
Our solution for that is paw wax. Just rub it in and it will moisturize and protect your dog’s paws, as well as aid in healing already existing wounds.
Water is very important for your dog’s health and one of the most important things to have in your home for him.
A pet water fountain makes it easier for you because of its large water deposit while it encourages your dog to drink more water because it tastes better and it’s much more fun for him.
You can get one in plastic, ceramics or stainless steel, the last two options are better because they prevent bacteria accumulation.
All you need to do is top up the water and clean it from time to time (most of the parts are even dishwasher-safe) and your good to go.
12. Puzzle Toys
All dogs need mental stimulation, but some breeds need extra. If you have a working or high energy breed dog, you’ll really need to go that extra mile to keep him healthy and happy.
Interactive puzzles work very well with our hyperactive dogs, they keep them entertained and out for trouble for long periods of time (depending on the complexity, for hours).
Also, interactive puzzles are a great option for slow-feeding your pooch, as they’ll need to solve them to get the coveted food reward.
Read also: 10 best toys to keep dogs busy
13. Dog Hair Remover
Having a dog often means having a coat of fur on all furnishings and clothes. If you hate that as much as we do, you’ll love this tip!
It removes pet hair from sofas, beds, comforters and blankets. Best yet, from all those clothes you love but haven’t been able to wear since you first brought him home (remember that black sweater?).
14. Dog Harness
Your dog’s harness is a very important part of a nice, stress-free walk. It helps to keep your dog safe and controlled while providing the best possible comfort for him, because it’s less likely to hurt him, particularly if he pulls on the leash.
There are many options available but, for us, harnesses that help us train our dogs not to pull are a must have for all dog owners, because they really do work!
Read also: how to stop a dog pulling on leash
15. Poop Bags
This is a staple must have for dog owners.
Have them with you at all times and just pick up after your dog. Such a simple gesture that means so much for your neighborhood!
Want to take it a step further? Use Earth Rated Poop bags like we do, they’re biodegradable, lavender scented and very affordable considering how much smaller your environmental foot print gets.
You’re using these bags two/three times a day, can you imagine the amount of plastic it takes? Going biodegradable makes a huge difference!
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