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The Best Gift You’ll Ever Get for Your Dog

by dogtoysadvisor | Last updated on Abril 4, 2019

We only review products we tested ourselves. We have affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase.

If you’re anything like us, you love spoiling your dog rotten.

Sometimes we wonder if the reason we created this blog in the first place was so we’d have an excuse to get them more toys and treats to test (aka eat, play with and destroy).

Just the other day we were summing up how much we spend on them and we were just too embarrassed to even finish that calculation. Not to mention the time we spend (waste?) browsing pet shops and online.

We’ll waste hours comparing and trying to find new toys that are resistant enough for the right price, only for them to destroy them in a few hours.

Plus, we need healthy treats that are adequate to our dogs’needs.

We want to make sure we continue pampering our dogs without spending too much money. Let’s face it, the joy they bring us daily more than compensates what we give them in return.


BarkBox is a subscription box with toys and treats for your dog.

The concept is simple, you subscribe and each month you get a box on your doorstep to spoil your puppies with. Quick, easy and trouble-free.

Each box has a theme (they have such funny themes and names) and you get 2 toys, 2 bags of treats and 1 chew. This is the basic package, you can update it with one more toy for a small extra cost or for free, if you take advantage of one of their many promotions.

Every box selection is personalized with your dog in mind.

For us, it was important to mention our dogs are heavy chewers, so the toys they sent would be adequate.

Also, we wanted to ask for grain free treats for Dobby’s teeth, but they inform you quickly enough that they can exclude chicken, beef and turkey in case of allergies and that they’re made with all-natural ingredients without wheat, corn or soy. Perfect!

But first, let’s go step by step through the whole experience.

The subscription is easy enough, it will take you about 2 minutes to complete.

You fill in the names and sizes of your pets and then it’s time to mention any food allergies they might have.

After that, all you’ll need to do is choose if you’d like to start with just the one box or if you prefer to go with the 6-month subscription.

We started with one box but now we’ve updated to the 6-month subscription, not having to worry about what to buy for our pets is such a time-saver!

And you’re all good to go! The shipping is free for the US and Canada and the time it takes them to send you your first box is very short.

Plus, if you have and questions or need any additional information, they will answer you quickly and in such a friendly (dare we say humorous) fashion. Also, if your dog doesn’t particularly love one of his gifts, they’ll take care of it.

Seriously, their customer service is excellent.

AND, have we mentioned a part of their revenue is donated to help abandoned dogs?

The box is as cute as the inside and you can see every detail is carefully thought of. And, after the first one, your dogs are guaranteed to recognize it the next time it arrives.

BarkBox it’s just so filled with yummy, fun stuff, they go crazy with it!

Content-wise,every product is either created and tested by them or from other trustworthy brands we love.

The toys are colorful and durable, even the plush lasted so much longer than we expected it to, considering our little demons’ taste for destruction.

As for the treats and chews, so far we’ve had no complaints even though Tommy has a really sensitive stomach.

Our Dogs Were Quickly Addicted

When we received our first box, we placed it on the floor, so of course we were soon surrounded by dogs.

As we slowly opened it, you could see they were becoming more and more excited, those noses can smell tasty stuff from a mile away.

Once it was finally open, Tommy just grabbed as many things as his mouth could hold and ran away with them.

Coco chose her favorite toy and retreated with it to the couch, happily chewing away.

Dobby ran away as soon as the little ones began getting excited, waited for them to leave and then returned to properly inspect the box and its contents. Luckily for him, there was still a bag of treats left, which is probably what he would have chosen if he had first pick.

All that was left was the cute box, so then it was time for our cats to claim it and join in on the fun.

BarkBox, Our Veredict

We’re truly impressed with BarkBox, it is literally a gift that keeps on giving.

Speaking of which, we’ve actually ordered one to gift to a friend’s dog on his first birthday.

And then you have the price.

Seriously, how much would it cost us to get two toys, two large sized bags of treats and a chew?

Certainly much more than the 25$ a month we pay for BarkBox. You’ll get so much content for a fraction of the price.

Even if you pick the one box, (which we did, allowing us to try it out without the 6 month commitment) the price is 35$, still totally affordable!

Get just one box and give it a try.

Not to mention that you pay the same, regardless of dog size. You know how annoying it is to pay more because you have a big dog instead of a small one? BarkBox doesn’t do that.

So, for us, we don’t see any disadvantages aside from the fact that it’s only once a month. Seeing the look on our pups’ faces when that box arrives is something we could watch every day.

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